Our Motto

精诚团结, Strength in Unity


Here is the speech from the incoming Chairperson

Good afternoon Teachers, Seniors, Juniors, and my fellow batchmates. I used to be excited at the thought that my batchmates and I would be taking over the cca one day, but now that the day has arrived, I honestly have mixed feelings and wish that our seniors could stay longer. My 2 years in AHS NPCC as a junior has passed so quickly and I am now standing in front of all of you, giving my speech as the incoming chairperson. 

To start off, I would like to thank the Teacher Officers and our seniors. Thank you for entrusting me with the role of the chairperson of AHS NPCC and for all the support and guidance you’ve given to me. I am grateful to be given this opportunity and will do my best, along with my fellow batchmates, to lead the unit to greater heights. Although I have worries about what the future may bring, I believe that my batchmates and I will get through whatever obstacles that come our way as we have been well taught by you.

Next, I would like to say a few words to each batch.

To our beloved Batch 17 Seniors, I would like to say a big “Thank you” to you on behalf of my batch. You have always been encouraging and supportive towards us, motivating us to do our best even during CCA trainings that were quite tough. Although we could not get the hang of certain things despite the multiple attempts, you never gave up on us and always gave us tips on how to improve and made us practise countless times which eventually allowed us to succeed. Whenever we were unsure about something, we would never be afraid to clarify it with you as you always helped us to the best of your ability. Thank you for lightening up the mood when training got so tough. I still remember when we were taught the drill “Baring Senjata” and were doing it wrongly so Natalie Ma’am and Bessy Ma’am showed us how we looked doing the drill, and we looked like we were doing yoga instead of taking a step forward. It was a hilarious yet memorable demonstration which helped us realise what we were doing wrong and allowed us to work on improving. Moving forward, as you go on to prepare for your O-levels, we hope that you will continue to persevere just like how you have always taught us to do so. We are so proud to call you our seniors and will always remember all your contributions to this CCA. We wish you all the best in your future endeavours.  

To the Batch 19 and Batch 20 juniors, I would like to assure you that as your incoming Cadet Leaders, my batch and I will do our utmost in teaching and guiding you as you go on your journey in NPCC. We hope to encourage and teach you to persevere on, through whatever challenges you might face just like what our Batch 17 seniors have taught us. The journey won’t be easy, but as your cadet leaders, we will be here to guide you and provide you with all the support you need. Please do not be afraid to clarify any doubts you have with us as we will assist you to our best ability. We may be strict on you all, but do understand that we just want you all to work hard and achieve your very best. To Batch 19, you are a lively bunch and I’m glad to see that you are well bonded with one another. We believe that you can achieve great things and will push you to do so. To Batch 20, although you haven’t been in this CCA for long, I hope that you will grow to love this CCA and the people you meet, just like we have! As you go on your journey in NPCC, cherish the bonds you forge with your batchmates as these are the ones that will last. 

Lastly, to my own batch, Batch 18, thank you for going through this journey in NPCC with me. I am honestly so lucky to share my experience in NP with all of you and I’m proud that we got through the past two years together. I’m grateful for the friendships I’ve made with you all and for all the memories we have together. It is finally time for us to take over the CCA and though we may not be the perfect leaders, I believe that we will work together to overcome any obstacles that we face and can lead the unit to achieve greater things. To my batchmates, let’s work together to lead the unit to the best of our abilities!

One aspiration that I have is to inculcate values such as perseverance and resilience in cadets through CCA sessions that are both enjoyable and enriching. I hope to teach cadets useful skills that can be used not only in NPCC, but in life as well, and to help them grow to become the best version of themselves. I believe that it can be achieved with hard work and determination, which are important values that I hope to instill in every cadet. In the process, I hope to improve on myself as a Cadet Leader as I come across obstacles that I will learn to overcome.

Overall, I am very grateful to be given this responsibility as the Chairperson of AHNP, and will strive to lead the unit to achieve our goals for the CCA.

Thank you.

CPL (NPCC) Kaslyn Tiang

Here is the speech from the outgoing Chairperson

Hello everyone! I am Natalie, the outgoing chairperson of 2024.

My NPCC journey has been a fun and hectic one, and surely will be one of the most memorable periods of my life. Now, I am obviously quite happy to be finally passing out and handing my duties down to the next batch of cadet leaders, but it would be a lie to say I am not sad to be leaving AHNP. I’ve made so many fond memories and strong friendships in this CCA, so having to step down is quite bittersweet for me. 

Firstly, I would like to thank the TOs, the Ma’ams and my other seniors. To have had the opportunity to lead the CCA was only possible thanks to all of you. My batch has always felt extremely lucky to have landed such capable, dedicated and supportive figures. Whenever we were lost or in doubt, you always got our backs and helped us where we were lacking. You always gave us encouragement, celebrated with us whenever we were happy and comforted us when we were sad. Nothing can replace the love and dedication you hold for this CCA and the people in it and we’re so grateful for that.

To Batch 20, though it has only been two-ish months, I was pleasantly surprised by your energy and cheerful attitude. I’ve seen firsthand how your batch puts in the effort to learn new skills and do so with a smile. I am sure that you all will grow to become extremely capable cadet leaders in the future. You all have the potential, it’s only a matter of how you want to use it. And I am aware that NPCC might seem intimidating at first, but trust me, the bonds and values you pick up along the way stick with you for life, and they’re what makes the NPCC journey so worth it. Do your best in CCA and remain positive!

To Batch 19, out of all the junior batches, I’ve been with y’all the longest so I’m honestly quite sad to have to say goodbye. It was a great honour to have been your IC and to have taught you thus far. I won’t lie and say that it has been all sunshine and rainbows, there have been times where we have scolded you and trained you all rigorously. However, we did that because we wanted y'all to excel and not because we held any grudges, so I hope that my batch’s time with you all can end off on a good note. Some qualities I always loved about your batch is that y’all are close-knit, humorous and are always seeking to improve together as one. I was so so happy when I saw you all helping each other to learn and making the effort to further yourselves too. I know I didn’t always show it but being your IC has been a blast because of your unique energy and I have made many memories with y'all consisting of my bad jokes and y’all trying not to laugh or cringe at me. Now, a new batch of Cadet leaders will be coming in, so I hope you get along with them too and keep working on improving yourselves. Maintain the closeness of your batch, work hard and I believe you all will soar far. All the best!

To Batch 18, congratulations on finally taking over the CCA! You all have come a long way since Sec 1 and now the CCA lies in your hands. Although it won’t be easy, keep up the positive attitude and persevere together as one batch. Y'all have always been outgoing, cheerful and there for each other, so I trust that you all got this! I know we have scolded y’all a few times before, but please know that it was for you to grow, and I am glad that you all learned from past mistakes and became better. We’re all so proud of you, and we trust that you will do a good, if not better job than us, because we see so much potential in all of you.  We’re always here if you need us, so don’t be afraid to look for us and text us. Jiayous!

Finally, to my own batch, Batch 17. We made it guys. We have pushed through and completed almost 4 years of NPCC. You all made my NP journey more memorable and I am so so grateful for having such supportive batchmates who will always reach out when they see me struggling. We have all grown so much as people, and improved together. Batch 17 started out as 17 people. It was crazy, we broke the record for the highest number of cadets in an AHNP unit. Of course, we only have 14 people now, but those who left will forever be part of batch 17 to me. A key moment I remember that really defined the meaning and responsibility of being a cadet leader was in Sec 3, when we were doing PT for punishment, in the rain, where basketball and NCC could see us just doing pumpings and stuff. We were suffering so much, but we were suffering together, and honestly it was one of the things that really changed our perspective. 

I am really going to miss the times where we made that dumb, hilarious skit for our seniors POP back in 2022, when we have our shoe polishing cults, when we write our ridiculously long literature essay of a farewell message to different seniors, when we had online cca bonding days on gartic telephone and when we had our campcraft test online and had to struggle to tie the knots and lashings in our bedrooms. Special shout-out to my ExCo, Bessy and Jing Jing, for getting me through the year. We always said that if we had to describe our roles, Jing Jing would be our anchor, Bessy would be our boat and I would be the sailor. Jing Jing has always grounded me, is my greatest hype man and gives the best advice. Her sense of responsibility is unmatched and she has made my time here so much better, I literally cannot imagine CCA without her. Bessy has always pushed me to try new things and gave me assurance. Though we might have the most broken humour when we’re together, she always steps up in time of need and has my back when I am unsure of myself. 

All in all, it has been a good run and I’ll definitely miss everyone. I have grown from an immature young cadet to someone who has more responsibility and maturity, and it's all thanks to NPCC. I will never forget the memories I made here and I will definitely miss seeing all my dearest, loveliest best of the best batchmates at cca. To all the juniors, appreciate and cherish the time you have left in NPCC and treat your new CLs well. This is my last time addressing you all as a unit, so once again, thank you for everything. 

SI (NPCC) Quek Rui Ling Natalie