Our Motto

精诚团结, Strength in Unity

About Us

The National Police Cadet Corps (NPCC), formed in 1959, has a membership of about 20,000 cadets. NPCC (Girls) in Anglican High School was set up in 2005 and is the youngest Uniformed Group in Anglican High School. 
The Corps seeks to instil in its members the knowledge of discipline, conscientiousness and a sense of esprit de corps, as well as the importance of serving the community.

In NPCC, cadets undergo a variety of training such as crime prevention, road safety training,  campcraft, foot drills, baton and rifle drills, precision drills and much more.

One of the major highlights of AHS NPCC is the .22 revolver shooting held at Home Team Academy. Cadets are given the opportunity to fire actual .22 revolvers and attain their Marksmanship badge. They also get to compete with other units at the annual .22 revolver shooting competition held by NPCC HQ. Another highlight is the chance to take part in the Adventure Survival Training camps held at Pulau Ubin, where they get to engage in obstacles like the Flying Fox and high ropes challenge. They also learn basic survival cooking, orienteering and campcraft.

Some of the optional enrichment programs that our cadets are given a chance to take part in include;

⇾  .177 Air Rifle training and Air Pistol training
⇾  One/Two-star kayaking
⇾  Basic adult first aid certification
⇾  Outward Bound Singapore (OBS)

They are also given opportunities to represent the unit in NPCC parades and National Day Parade.

Our cadets have also taken part in various competitions, such as the National Campcraft Competition, the Inter-Unit Quiz competition. Our school has also consistently performed well at the annual NUS-NPCC Air Rifle Shooting Championships, acquiring top positions.

In accordance with the school’s student-leadership framework, our cadets have served the community in various ways. Every year, they take part in crime-prevention campaigns both within the school and the community. Our cadets also initiated and participated in projects together with charity organisations such as YMCA and student care centres.

We also believe in these values;

P - Punctuality
I - Initiative
C Commitment
A - Attitude
D - Discipline

We do our best to instil these values in our cadets. 

As members of AHSNPCC, 
we strive to be the best version of ourselves we can possibly be.