Our Motto

精诚团结, Strength in Unity

Speeches from Incoming and Outgoing Chairman 2021

 Here is the speech from our incoming Chairman of 2021 to 2022


Dear Teachers , Seniors , Batchmates and Juniors , 

First and foremost , I would like to say that I am extremely grateful and honored to be appointed the Chairperson of our unit for 2021. Being given this great responsibility has made me reflect on my own NPCC journey and what I hope to achieve with you all. More importantly , I hope to grow and improve with you all. There are many things I look forward to and I am excited for what is to come. At the same time , I also have my concerns and fears about the challenges that may be thrown our way. However , I will carry out my duties to the best of my abilities , and continue to serve our unit with commitment , perseverance and passion. 

To the Batch 14 seniors , I would like to thank you all on behalf of the whole unit for always being the dependable , supportive and tenacious leaders. 2020 was a tough year due to the COVID-19 outbreak. Virtual training was tough , and the training after our unit came back from circuit breaker was even tougher , but somehow you all managed to pull through it , and rebuilt our unit. You all have been role models to all of us in the unit. It is your leadership and constant guidance that have shaped us into the cadets we are today , and words cannot express our gratitude and admiration towards you. One behalf of my batch , we would like to thank you for believing in us , even when we ourselves did not and for helping us to grow. We have learnt so much from you all throughout your CLship. We definitely have our shortcomings , but we can assure you that we will do our best in leading the unit. We are sad to see you all leave , but we wish you the best for your O levels and future endeavors. Once again , we truly thank you from the bottom of our hearts. 

To Batch 16 and 17 , as you commence your NPCC journey in 2021 , as your CLs , we will always be here to provide our support and assist you all in whatever way we can. Do not hesitate to approach us for help or to voice out your concerns and opinions towards our decisions , we are here for you all. I hope that all of you can work together with your ICs to improve on your hard skills and more importantly grow in character. I have enjoyed myself thoroughly in the past two years and I truly hope that you will grow to love and enjoy your NPCC journey as much as I do. As cliché as it may sound , but in time to come , you will realize that the friendships you forge here are strong and long lasting ones. Cherish your time here in NPCC with your batchmates as time flies way faster than you can imagine. Strive to do your best at every CCA session , it may be tough and tiring at times , but I hope that you can pull through them and reap the fruits of your labor. 

I would like to thank the teacher officers and instructors for putting your faith and trust in me. I thank you for your relentless support towards my batch. I have so much to learn from you and I look forward to your continued guidance and feedback as I embark on this leadership journey. 

Last but not least , to my squad mates , I am so proud of how far we have come together over the past 2 years. I can still remember how we were still secondary ones and laughing over how we have to take over the unit when we are secondary threes , but here we are taking over the unit today , and this still feels somewhat surreal. We had our ups and downs , but we have always managed to overcome them together , as a batch. I genuinely hope that we can continue this spirit as we take over the unit. This CL year will definitely not be easy , but I believe that as all of us strive to do our best , play our parts to contribute and role models to our juniors , we can overcome any challenges to come. Thank you for being so supportive and being there for me , especially when I panic or get nervous almost all the time. We have made many memories over the past years , and I hope we can make even more over sponsored Haidilao hotpot. 

Like our NPCC motto “精诚团结” , let us all find strength in unity , and grow together as a whole unit !

Thank you.

- CPL (NPCC) Mei Kai Jie

Here is the speech from our outgoing Chairman of 2019 to 2020

Hi everyone,

I’m Kaylie, the outgoing Chairman of our Unit this year. It feels so surreal to here be sharing my thoughts about the last few years I have spent in the Corps before officially stepping down. Listening to the speeches of our previous outgoing Chairmen, and watching each batch of seniors step down from their positions, I’ve always wondered what it would feel like when it was my turn to POP. And finally, the day has come. 

I want to begin by thanking the TOs and Ma’ams who have guided my batch along our leadership journey. Being suddenly given the position of Cadet Leaders without much training because of the pandemic last year, we were nowhere near the standards of the previous batches of CLs. It was your patience and mentoring that has helped us build up our confidence and grow even more as leaders. Thank you for answering the millions of last-minute questions I bombarded you with, and trusting us to lead the Unit. I truly admire your dedication to this Unit, and appreciate the time and effort that you have put in, to ensure that everything goes smoothly. 

Next, to Batch 17, I would like to say that even though we didn’t get to spend much time together, my few opportunities to interact with you has left me with a memorable impression of an enthusiastic and cheery batch. As you embark on your NPCC journey, I really encourage all of you to have an open mind, work hard at every training, and always support one another. I remember my Sec 1 year in NPCC being a time of trying many new things that I never thought I would do, but grew to love. I hope that you, too, would be able to make good memories and lasting friendships here. 

To Batch 16, it has been my greatest pleasure to lead your squad IC as squad IC, and watch you grow in your skillset and character. It is a pity that the pandemic has caused you to miss out on quite a few NPCC events last year, but I hope that this does not stop you from having a positive attitude towards CCA. You are no longer the youngest in the Unit, so strive to be role models to your juniors, who would look up to you in the same way you did to your seniors. As I, and your other ICs, often emphasize, it really is the effort that counts. I hope that we have inspired you in some way or another to always work hard and work together. I am so proud of how much you have progressed, and I hope that you will continue to be passionate and committed cadets. 

To the next batch of Cadet Leaders - Batch 15, you have come so far in your NPCC journey, and the show now is yours to run. Many of you may be feeling nervous and worried about what is in store for you after you take over, but I would like to reassure you’re doing well. It’ll take time to get used to, but I have faith in you to continue to bring our Unit to greater heights. You have so much potential, so step out of your comfort zone and push yourselves to achieve more! Leading the Unit may get tiring and stressful at times, but one thing I can guarantee is that the end reward is so much sweeter, and definitely worth your every effort. Know that you are not alone in this and will always have the support of the instructors, TOs, us and most importantly each other. Through it all, don’t forget to enjoy the process, it comes to an end before you know it.

Last, but far from the least, Batch 14. I have so many things to say, yet I don’t think I am able to fully express how much I treasure the company and good times we have spent. Recently, I was asked what it is about NPCC that I enjoy the most, and I’d dare say without a doubt that it is the companionship that I found here. We joined the Unit as individuals with our own perceptions about NPCC, some interested and some not. To me, what is most heartening is seeing how all of you stepped up and ultimately worked as one for our Unit, which inspired me to be a better team leader and team player myself. It has been such a blessing that we crossed paths and I truly hope that this is not the end. I will always remember singing the school song across the field as punishment with y'all, eating overcooked extra-salty maggi with y'all, and having nice long heart-to-heart talks on bus rides to Home Team Academy with y'all. Thank you for always having my back, for being my main motivation to push on when the going gets tough, and for enduring through this long race with me. Alas, we have reached the finishing line after a very rewarding journey that has left me with the fondest of memories. It sure feels bittersweet to think that a part of our lives that we have already become so accustomed to is now going to change. Indeed, "how lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard". No matter what, know that I am eternally grateful to have met each and every one of you who made AHNP my second home. 

As a whole, NPCC has been a huge part of my Secondary school life that I will always hold close to my heart. I thank God for placing me here, and for guiding me through all the ups and downs of this journey. It has been my privilege to serve you for the past year and, once again, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude for the support, patience and trust that you have given me. As I entrust our Unit into the capable hands of the next batch of Cadet Leaders, my very last request is for all of you to always stay bonded as a Unit. Just as our Unit motto has very aptly put it, may all of you continue to find Strength in Unity.

Thank you!

- SI (NPCC) Kaylie Chin