Campcraft Competition 2018

Both teams have worked very hard for this event, and their efforts were not in vain.
Below, a Secondary 3 competitor reflects on her experience.
Campcraft trainings were all very tiring. Both physically and mentally straining. We have to do the same thing over and over again. We need to carry those bulky and heavy logistics from one end to the other end of the school. I still remember that our timings were 15 or 16 minutes initially. At the end, both teams managed to improve on our timings and skills. Despite the tiredness, everyone pulled through and persevered through the tough trainings. I have to admit that team 1 is actually better than us in terms of skills and timing. I am very proud and happy for Team 1 who emerged 19 out of the 100+ schools that took part in this competition, which is pretty remarkable. Their hardwork paid off. But I believe that Team 2 has put in our best efforts in the competition. After going through all the trainings, I am more familiar with tent pitching. The most memorable campcraft training got to be the one that everybody has to pitch under the dreaded and annoying rain. All of us did our very best and put in 101%of efforts in that particular training. That was the very first time that both teams managed to hit the 12 minutes target. I really dislike pitching in wet weather as we would need to clean up all the logistics after campcraft, and that's really not an easy task. Not to mention, but the training that we have to carry 112 chairs from the tower hall to the basketball court then back again is worth remembering as well.
I actually screwed up a little in the competition. I was unable to open the packaging of the twine. The sticker binding the ball of twine together stuck on my hands. This hindered the rate of which I cut the twines. Nonetheless, I was still able to provide my teammates with the twine they needed on time. To be very frank and honest, I am actually disappointed in our results. During trainings, I realised that we were so far back as compared to the other group and it's kind of hard to catch up. After reflecting, I came to realise that winning is not everything. It's the process and hardwork that actually matters.
I've learnt that teamwork, cooperation and communication is the key to success. Definitely, perseverance and resilience are equally important. Without communication, everyone will be lost. As ateam, teamwork and cooperation are essential if your team wants to achieve something big. Everyone has to come together as one to think of ideas, with one leader to lead the towards a common goal. Accomplishments are a very small part of our life. What we gain and benefit from all these trainings are what weighs the most.
-LCP (NPCC) Jie Ning