Our Motto

精诚团结, Strength in Unity

Air Pistol Course 2017

On 20 February  2017, our cadets had the opportunity of trying out air pistol shooting. The Secondary One cadets eagerly waited their turn as it was their first time shooting an air pistol.

On 20 February, my batchmates and I, along with our Secondary 3 seniors went for an air pistol course. As many of us had not tried it before, we were all very excited and could not wait for it to start. 

Filled with anticipation, we made our way to the I-space where we had the delightful opportunity of interacting and bonding with some of our Secondary 1 juniors. Soon after, our seniors came in and the course was off to a good start when the trainers explained to us fun and interesting tips and tricks that would definitely be of good use to us when we go for our dry shoot in the near future. For example, we learnt that when we are at Home Team Academy for the dry shoot, our sight should be clear and the target should also be blur in order to increase our accuracy when shooting. 

We also learnt how aim properly, and how to hold the pistol properly, which came to good use when we started shooting the pistols. Importance of safety during the course and how people may get injured if we do not handle the pistols with care  was especially highlighted by the trainers due to the fatality of a single shot if it is aimed at fatal areas such as the head and chest. We were divided into different details and while other details were shooting, we got to watch and also learn from their mistakes and observe their strengths. 

When it was our turn to shoot, I did not do that well and did not manage to get any shots near the centre and I was quite disappointed, as last year I actually had the rare opportunity to attend the course and I hoped to do better as compared to the previous try. However, I did improve slightly and managed to get a few shots in a close area. 

Sadly, during the team challenge, I did not manage to get either of the cans down within 8 shots and I was disappointed as I thought that at least one of my shots would make it but I was unfortunately let down in the end. Overall, I enjoyed myself during the course and I am sure my batchmates did too. In the future, if we ever had the chance to go for another course, I will definitely try to do my best once again.

- CDT (NPCC) Maegan