Our Motto

精诚团结, Strength in Unity

Kayaking 2016

On June of 2016, our cadets had the opportunity to take part in the kayaking course. Here are their thoughts on the experience.

I felt that the kayaking activity that I participated in was very enjoyable and the squad got to bond together and spend more time with each other more. 

Throughout the entire activity, I could see that we really don't want anyone to be left behind in our squad and we are constantly helping one another and encouraging each other to pull through this 2-day course as not only is it physically challenging, we are also spending 8 hours under the sun. 

When one of our squadmates was afraid of capsizing into the sea, all of us cheered her on and even offered to capsize together so that she would not feel left out. We would also cheer each other own whenever we felt tired and help each other to master some of the skills such as the J-draw. 

We also worked together in small teams to carry out the "rescue" component of the activity. During the "rescue" component, some of us were really scared of capsizing in the middle of the sea and panicked. But we reassured and calmed each other down. I feel that in this "rescue" activity, we needed a lot of teamwork and component, especially when if one of the main rescuers did not have enough strength to lift the kayak up, the assistant would have to help them which requires a lot of co-operation. I think that throughout these two days, it really displays our care for one another that we do not show very often and that we have to be brave and courageous to overcome some of our fears. I also realized that I was not alone and had 8 other squad mates who were always supporting me and helping me to keep the kayaks and lift them.

-LCP (NPCC) Yu Wen