Our Motto

精诚团结, Strength in Unity

Police Knowledge Course 2011

On 22 June 2011, our cadets went for the Police knowledge course 2 (PK course 2). Here are one of the reflections written by one of the cadets who participated. 

Laws are made to ensure peace and order among people. Here in the PK course, we've learned many different crimes that are still rampant in modern-day society. The officer speakers were very humorous and made the talk fun and interesting! During the talk, we were also given many real-life scenarios about some crimes and were taught how to handle such situations.

We were also taught different kinds of laws associated with these crimes and the seriousness of the crime. For example, for vandalism, we could get caning! And, skits done by cadets got us engaged in the talks. My squadmates and I benefited a lot from this course as we also understood how the police officers work and what are the basic qualities that a police officer should have. We also learned what traffic police officers must do in times of emergency e.g road accidents. I also learned when cadets should salute and who must we salute to. Lastly, we had a test to check our understanding of this talk.
Overall, I find this course very fruitful and meaningful due to the knowledge we've have gained.

- LCP (NPCC) Waimin