Our Motto

精诚团结, Strength in Unity

Adventure Survival Training Camp 2009

On 19 November 2009, our cadets took part in the annual 3D2N Adventure Survival Training Camp, this is one of their reflections.

Day 1

Once again, its that time of the year, when all the secondary 3 cadets from Area 10 gathers together and sets off to Camp Resilience for our 3day 2night Survival Training Camp. Upon reaching Changi Jetty, the sirs there split us up into our respective groups and prepared us for Treasure Hunt. Unfortunately, it started raining and we had to cancel the game and just take the boat to Pulau Ubin. When we were at the jetty there, we put on our ponchos and waited for Group 2 to set off together. The route to the campsite was long and tiring, but the rain seemed to have blocked out the sunlight and heat, and made things easier, despite drenching parts of our trackpants and also our shoes. Rather quickly, we reached campsite and waited at the foyer for the other groups. The rest of the day passed quickly for all we did was ice breakers and team bonding games. The games were really enjoyable, and I liked my groupmates, especially since a few of them were also in my group in ATC. Through the games, we all got to know each other and memorized each other's names easily. Also, due to the rain, we did not have to pitch up tents for the night and slept at the foyer instead. Though it was good to not have to pitch tents, sleeping in the foyer had a bad point too. It was freezing cold at night, and despite wearing the long sleeves which we had brought along, all of us were still very cold.

Day 2

As usual, today's the day where all the activities take place. As Secondary 3s, we had to take part in an intermediate element course, jetty jump, as well as fire starting and shelter building. Due to my fear of heights as well as lack of time, I did not get to take part in the intermediate element course, but I had the chance to help out by pulling on to the safety ladder while my groupmates attempted the obstacles. It was pretty scary looking at some going through the course for they started shivering and I could feel them shaking since the ladder was attached to the cable they were advancing on. Thus, I feel that those who had tried the course were really brave. After that, we had lunch, which was army rations instead of maggie noodles since we were too lazy to cook them. Then we carried on with jetty jump. For me, it was a really nice experience since it was my first time. I volunteered to go third since I was afraid that the longer I drag the less courage I have to do so. Once on the plank, I realized how high it was and my feet started trembling. This time around, it wasn't really because I was afraid of heights, but more of me being afraid that I will drop down before being prepared and drown to death. Nevertheless, the sir patiently instructed me to take a step forward for easier 'falling'. Then he counted 1,2,3, go. And the next thing I know, I was already down and into the water. Everything happened in a few seconds. I could feel the air pressure around me, and the next moment I was already in the water, then I floated up since I was wearing a life vest. That done, I had to swim back to the jetty. After the jetty jump, we had fire starting and shelter building. This was a very fun activity and helped to bond my group mates as we listened to one another's ideas on what to do. It also gave me a sense of achievement when my group was the first to start fire despite our fire structure being the smallest. Finally, we completed our activities and it was already evening time. Time for campfire. Due to the rain, we could not have our campfire, which was really a pity. Hence, we had to make do with a bunch of candles in the center of the canteen and some bottles of light sticks. Despite so, the atmosphere was really good, and everyone cheered and had a fun time. Just as we thought that it was the end of the day, our CIs surprised us and planned another activity which was night walk. Though we had to travel through the jungle in groups of 6, it was really safe as there were CIs around us, as well as light sticks showing us the way. Hence, we all completed the walk, safe and sound.

Day 3

As the saying goes, all good things come to an end. Day 3 marked the last day of camp. We had morning PT, like we did on day 2, then we had breakfast and area cleaning, followed by prize giving and finally, break camp.

Throughout the camp, I'm really glad that I have such nice and co-operative groupmates who helped and volunteered to do things for the group. This is really important in life because when we get tired along the way, we need people to motivate us, to give us the strength to continue. With my group, I know that they will motivate me and guide me through during the camp, and help me whenever I'm in need. Also, I felt that the camp this year was not as tough as I'd imagined. In fact, ATC was more challenging last year, compared to STC this year. However, I do feel that this is because of the rain which has caused many activities to be canceled. Nonetheless, STC was still a nice experience and has helped to make me more comfortable in getting to know other people, expanding my social circle.

- SGT (NPCC) Alicia Wee