Unit CIP: YMCA 2009
On the 8th and 9th August 2009 (Saturday and Sunday), our Secondary 3 cadets worked with some of the Secondary 3 NCC(Land) cadets of Anglican High for a fund-raising event for YMCA Singapore. This is one of their reflections.
The event was held at the linkway between Tampines Mall and Century Square for 10am to 6pm. They sold balloon sculptures and little cards. A lot of effort was put into this event.
On the first day, it was sort of a warm-up session for us as it was the first fund-raising event that AHSNPCC has organised. And it was also the first day that some of our cadets actually talked to some of the NCC cadets. As time passed, we got to know each other better and we helped each other in doing the balloon sculpting. For example, a flower would need a stalk and a petal, thus, we would help each other to complete either part. Hence, it was great teamwork amongst the two CCAs. We went in little groups for lunch as manpower would be a problem if too many people went for lunch at one time.
At the end of Day 1, we earned quite a huge sum that was really heartening to all of us who have worked hard.
The second day was very much the same, just that the crowd flow was rather different from the first day. We saw a greater crowd on the first day than compared to the second day. Hence, our spirits got a little dampened but we managed to persevere and believed in ourselves. And we actually did it! :D We sold all the items even before the stipulated time.
After that, we packed up the area and had a debrief by our facilitator, Nick. We did a survey and after a bit of talk here and there, we were dismissed. The event was very very successful.
All in all, the event was a meaningful and fun one. I'd like to take this opportunity, on behalf of the Secondary 3 cadets, to thank the facilitator, Nick, for the help you've given us, our proposals and the actual day and stuff like that. And also, thank you NCC cadets for taking time to come down and help us make this event successful.
Here are some photos of the event.

- SGT (NPCC) Valerie Lim
The event was held at the linkway between Tampines Mall and Century Square for 10am to 6pm. They sold balloon sculptures and little cards. A lot of effort was put into this event.
On the first day, it was sort of a warm-up session for us as it was the first fund-raising event that AHSNPCC has organised. And it was also the first day that some of our cadets actually talked to some of the NCC cadets. As time passed, we got to know each other better and we helped each other in doing the balloon sculpting. For example, a flower would need a stalk and a petal, thus, we would help each other to complete either part. Hence, it was great teamwork amongst the two CCAs. We went in little groups for lunch as manpower would be a problem if too many people went for lunch at one time.
At the end of Day 1, we earned quite a huge sum that was really heartening to all of us who have worked hard.
The second day was very much the same, just that the crowd flow was rather different from the first day. We saw a greater crowd on the first day than compared to the second day. Hence, our spirits got a little dampened but we managed to persevere and believed in ourselves. And we actually did it! :D We sold all the items even before the stipulated time.
After that, we packed up the area and had a debrief by our facilitator, Nick. We did a survey and after a bit of talk here and there, we were dismissed. The event was very very successful.
All in all, the event was a meaningful and fun one. I'd like to take this opportunity, on behalf of the Secondary 3 cadets, to thank the facilitator, Nick, for the help you've given us, our proposals and the actual day and stuff like that. And also, thank you NCC cadets for taking time to come down and help us make this event successful.
Here are some photos of the event.

- SGT (NPCC) Valerie Lim