Our Motto

精诚团结, Strength in Unity

Leadership and Mentoring Skills Course 2009

On the 18th and 19th of June (Thursday and Friday), our secondary 3 cadets went for their LMSC (Leadership and Mentoring Skills Course) in their full NPCC uniform for day one and their PT kit for day two.

Day one

Our cadets were split into different squads. As the total strength for our secondary 3 cadets is 12, a few of our cadets had to be alone in their squads consisting of cadets from other schools.
The cadets who had to be alone in their new squads were nervous but were yet eager to find out who were in their squad. Then, many saw familiar faces from other units.

After all the units arrived, cadets were seated according to their squads and the day commenced. Cadets had lectures on MOI and Leadership. Our cadets got a better idea on how to conduct lectures, campcraft and drill sessions to their juniors. They also got to know more about themselves through the DISC profiling. They learnt about the different leadership styles and how they could work better with their squadmates.

The day ended and our cadets were already very attached to their new found friends from the other NPCC units. A day well spent making friends and learning new things.

It was a really fruitful day.

Day two

Our cadets reported and once again after all the NPCC units arrived, lectures started.
Lectures on Effective Communication and Team Building. There was a video about geese that was really inspiring. Our cadets got to know their new friends even better and were even closer.

Cadets learnt about learning styles and the undisputed laws of teamwork which were important for them as CLs (Cadet Leaders). Knowing the different types of learning styles would help our CLs to know how to pass on knowledge to their juniors in ways they would learn best so as to have effective communication. Undisputed laws of teamwork would help our CLs to work better with their fellow batch mates. The video about geese was inspiring and taught our cadets a lot.

Then came the Team Building games :D
All of the cadets were very excited and hyped up. All of them worked well together will their squads and learnt a lot from each other through the games. They learnt a lot about how teamwork would help them overcome obstacles. Through the games, cadets bonded with their fellow squadmates and had lots of fun.

After all of the games, it was debrief and then the end of the whole 2 day course. Cadets passed around contact lists of emails to keep in touch with each other after the course. Our cadets were reluctant to part with their new found friends. Its amazing how cadets can come together for 2 days and become close friends. It'll be great if there were to be more of such courses that can allow cadets to come together to interact and learn about each other and their units.

We really appreciate the effort the HOs and CIs put in for this course. A big thank you to all of you. (:

- SGT (NPCC) Valerie Lim