Police Youth Ambassador (PYA) 2009
On 15th June 2009 (Monday), our Secondary 3 cadets went to Bedok Central to do their PYA project. They collaborated with the Bedok North NPC.
Our cadets were to spread crime prevention messages to the shopkeepers in that area and the residents who were there at Bedok Central as the GSS period is here. Our cadets were worried about being ignored by the residents around that area when they want to convey crime prevention messages. They were also nervous and scared about being tongue-tied.
When they started approaching the residents and shopkeepers, it proved otherwise. The residents were willing to listen to the crime prevention messages and they browsed through the pamphlets given out to them. Some were even asking questions about what they can do to prevent crime in other areas. Although there were also residents who ignored our cadets and hurried away, our cadets did not give up.
Through this, we found out that a cadet, CPL Jolene Ng was a really confident speaker, although during trainings, she's somewhat quiet at times. Our cadets got better self-confidence after this and they themselves also took home the crime prevention messages with them to spread to their families.
We feel that it was a really meaningful thing to do as we helped to spread these messages that could deter crimes.
After a long day, our TO, Miss Lim bought us a drink each to quench our thirst :D
All in all, we enjoyed the event and learnt a lot from the event too (:
It was an enjoyable and fruitful day.
- SGT (NPCC) Valerie Lim
Our cadets were to spread crime prevention messages to the shopkeepers in that area and the residents who were there at Bedok Central as the GSS period is here. Our cadets were worried about being ignored by the residents around that area when they want to convey crime prevention messages. They were also nervous and scared about being tongue-tied.
We feel that it was a really meaningful thing to do as we helped to spread these messages that could deter crimes.
After a long day, our TO, Miss Lim bought us a drink each to quench our thirst :D
All in all, we enjoyed the event and learnt a lot from the event too (:
It was an enjoyable and fruitful day.
- SGT (NPCC) Valerie Lim
More photos
Our neatly laid-out booth ;D
SGT Pearlyn Yeo and SGT Jacinth Chua posing for a photo with confidence :D
SGT Jun Ting and CPL Jolene Ng keeping the booth neat and tidy (:
The crime prevention banners.
SGT Jolene Neo showing her confident smile for the day ahead.
Group photo with our TO after a long day :D
Another group photo :D