High Rope Challenge (HRC) 2009
On Saturday morning, 7th March 2009, the four Secondary 4 Anglican High NPCC cadets met up at Changi Jetty. Accompanied by Ms Fadzhilla, our officer in charge, we rode a bumboat to Pulau Ubin. The Secondary 4s would be attending the High Rope Challenge, a compulsory activity for all Secondary 4 cadets.
The High Rope Challenge consisted of 5 elements, namely Advanced Rope Challenge, The Tunnel, Dangling Duo, Flying Fox and the Leap of Faith. As the activity’s title suggests, the activities we are about to face at Pulau Ubin would definitely prove a challenge. It is certainly more challenging for those who are afraid of heights.

Advanced Rope Challenge

The Leap of Faith
We started with the dangling duo. In this challenge, 2 cadets were to pair up together and help each other to climb up 5 dangling bars of logs. It was a difficult challenge designed to let cadets co-operate with each other in order to reach the top. SSGT Weiting and Vivien-pair managed to climb up to the 3rd bar, but among SSGT Rachel and Yohana-pair, only SSGT Rachel managed to climb up to the third pole.

SSGT Weiting and Vivien

SSGT Yohana and Rachel
Next, we attempted the flying fox. The main difficulty of this challenge was the climbing up of the stairs before descending. We had to climb up a flight of stairs that lead us up to nearly 5 stories high. Of course, after all the trouble of climbing, the fun and joy awaits. It was an exciting and exhilarating experience for us all, including Ms Fadzhilla who joined us as an exclusive guest.
The third challenge we faced is the Advanced Rope Challenge. It was an extremely difficult task which requires stability, courage and strength. SSGT Yohana tried first, but was not successful and had to return back, without even reaching the mid-point of the challenge. SSGT Vivien tried next, and among the Secondary 4 cadets, she was the only one who managed to finish the task. Then, due to the deteriorating weather, all activities have to be stopped.

SSGT Yohana after numbers of unsuccessful attempts to complete the challenge

SSGT Vivien before attempting the Advanced Rope Challenge

Afterwards, the weather worsened considerably. As there were no signs that the rain would stop anytime soon, we were released early. It was a mixture of relief and disappointment for us as we were not able to finish the other two challenges, the Tunnel and the Leap of Faith.
This event had trained us physically and mentally, teaching us to support each other in time of need and facing difficult tasks with a definite amount of composure.
SSGT (NPCC) Yohana Cahyana
The High Rope Challenge consisted of 5 elements, namely Advanced Rope Challenge, The Tunnel, Dangling Duo, Flying Fox and the Leap of Faith. As the activity’s title suggests, the activities we are about to face at Pulau Ubin would definitely prove a challenge. It is certainly more challenging for those who are afraid of heights.
Advanced Rope Challenge
The Leap of Faith
We started with the dangling duo. In this challenge, 2 cadets were to pair up together and help each other to climb up 5 dangling bars of logs. It was a difficult challenge designed to let cadets co-operate with each other in order to reach the top. SSGT Weiting and Vivien-pair managed to climb up to the 3rd bar, but among SSGT Rachel and Yohana-pair, only SSGT Rachel managed to climb up to the third pole.
SSGT Weiting and Vivien
SSGT Yohana and Rachel
Next, we attempted the flying fox. The main difficulty of this challenge was the climbing up of the stairs before descending. We had to climb up a flight of stairs that lead us up to nearly 5 stories high. Of course, after all the trouble of climbing, the fun and joy awaits. It was an exciting and exhilarating experience for us all, including Ms Fadzhilla who joined us as an exclusive guest.
The third challenge we faced is the Advanced Rope Challenge. It was an extremely difficult task which requires stability, courage and strength. SSGT Yohana tried first, but was not successful and had to return back, without even reaching the mid-point of the challenge. SSGT Vivien tried next, and among the Secondary 4 cadets, she was the only one who managed to finish the task. Then, due to the deteriorating weather, all activities have to be stopped.
SSGT Yohana after numbers of unsuccessful attempts to complete the challenge
SSGT Vivien before attempting the Advanced Rope Challenge
SSGT Vivien attempting the Advanced Rope Challenge
SSGT Vivien finished the Advanced Rope Challenge
Afterwards, the weather worsened considerably. As there were no signs that the rain would stop anytime soon, we were released early. It was a mixture of relief and disappointment for us as we were not able to finish the other two challenges, the Tunnel and the Leap of Faith.
This event had trained us physically and mentally, teaching us to support each other in time of need and facing difficult tasks with a definite amount of composure.
SSGT (NPCC) Yohana Cahyana