NUS NPCC .177 Air Rifle Shooting Championships 2008
On 17 February 2008, our cadets took part in the NUS NPCC .177 Air Rifle Shooting Championships 2008. This is one of their reflections.
Shooters have to sign up at the registration booth and also fill in their lucky draw coupons which may just win them a pair of snow city tickets each. we were also reminded to keep quiet so as to not disturb or affect other shooters.
Soon, detail one ended and detail two was about to start. One of the three teams sent by our school went up to take their positions at their respective lanes. The team consists of SSGT Michelle (Lane 7), SSGT Ray Seen (Lane 14) and lastly SSGT Leona (Lane 21). The others were cheering silently for them. Soon, the chief range officer issued the five minutes preparation time which allowed the shooters to make dry shots on their target cards. Live firing was not allowed at this point in time. After the five minutes preparation time, a "Start" command was given and shooters can now carry on with their sighting and competition shots. Many fared well during the first few shots. But after a while, signs of fatigue started to show.
After 40 minutes, detail two officially ended. Detail Three consists of team two and team three, with SSGT Megan (Lane 4), SSGT Rachel Lim(23) and SSGT Jian Qiong (18) in team 2, SSGT Wenxin (Lane 7), CPL Vivien (Lane 14) and CPL Rachel Yong (Lane 21). Both teams went through the same procedure as the detail before them.
After that, we went off for a two-hour break before the results are announced. We did manage to get the 2nd, 3rd and 4th position for team category and SSGT Rachel Lim got 1st runner up for the individual category.
This event has taught us the importance of working well under pressure. If you cannot handle the pressure, you cannot shoot well. It has also proven to other schools that Anglican High has the means to remain as one of the major competitors for the top positions in the NUSNPCC ARSC. Keep it up, my fellow AHSNPCC cadets!
-SSGT (NPCC) Teo Wan Ling