Our Motto

精诚团结, Strength in Unity

CCA Showcase Day 2008

On 4 January 2008, our cadets performed for the annual CCA Showcase to attract the Secondary Ones to join our CCA and this is one of their reflections.

It was the recruitment period for AHSNPCC once again. Being annual, the day of 4th January was the event which allowed the unit to continue and soar to greater heights. Prior to the actual day, we had intensive trainings during the last few days of the holidays for the Precision Drill Squad as well as the fancy footdrill team.

Moves were coordinated, established and practiced till perfection was achieved. Choices of songs for the performances were finalised during that period of time. The big day came, and we were all eager to display our hard work and efforts put into a wonderful show which would in turn attract the new Secondary Ones to join AHSNPCC.

There were 2 shifts in total for us to exhibit the stunts, and before that, we set up a booth for interested parties to approach. Our booth was shaped as a pyramid, symbolising the "upward climbing" of the unit. We displayed various medals and even trophies we won from different competitions in the past few years, our pictures and even rifles and batons were part of the limelight!

All of the performances were fantastic, considering that we had only the few days of trainings. Overall, a job well done by the Precision Drill Team, the fancy footdrill team and even those who helped in making the gifts and flyers for the orientation. Models of uniform, a "deceased body mark" and a silhouette of a girl in uniform were all exhibited; it was once of our best display ever! Well done to all and let the eagle in AHSNPCC soar to greater heights!

- SSGT (NPCC) Ng Ray Seen