Victoria School Challenge Unlimited Games Day 2007
On 16 March, our cadets participated in the Victoria School Challenge Unlimited Games Day 2007. This is one of their reflection on this experience.
One day of rest after the march bonding camp, certain secondary 3 cadets participated in the Victoria School Challenge Unlimited Games Day 2007. The event was scheduled to start at 8:00am, hence all of us including the supporters had to wake up very early in the morning in order to attend the event on time. We met at the bus stop outside the school at around 7:30am, full of zest and energy.

One day of rest after the march bonding camp, certain secondary 3 cadets participated in the Victoria School Challenge Unlimited Games Day 2007. The event was scheduled to start at 8:00am, hence all of us including the supporters had to wake up very early in the morning in order to attend the event on time. We met at the bus stop outside the school at around 7:30am, full of zest and energy.
There were 9 participants, consisting of two reserves. We started our warm-up with the school's well-known morning exercise, 早操. The warm-up was done with pride and honour for Anglican High School. The first school we played against was Raffles Girls' School. The game was well-played, exhibiting extreme teamwork and rapport. However, we were playing against netball players, who had first-hand experiences, unlike us and our mediocre skills; hence the outcome was expected, we lost.
Nevertheless, it was a fantastic game, because we enjoyed ourselves thoroughly and still had high spirits even after losing the game. The following 3 games were against strong opponents and we lost rather badly. Nonetheless, it was exhilarating and there was even our slogan, 安全第一!. It originated when some team players raised up their arms to defend/ catch the ball. We were very much concerned about casualties and hence, 安全第一.
Being the captain, it was rather stressful for me as we had to keep our morales high and losing was definitely not the wanted outcome. However, thanks to everyone involved, morale was kept high, even after losing so many matches, even till the event ended. The activity by Victoria School was commendable, as they had even bought bottles of 100plus for all the people present, not only the team players.
Being the captain, it was rather stressful for me as we had to keep our morales high and losing was definitely not the wanted outcome. However, thanks to everyone involved, morale was kept high, even after losing so many matches, even till the event ended. The activity by Victoria School was commendable, as they had even bought bottles of 100plus for all the people present, not only the team players.
All in all, we enjoyed ourselves thoroughly and learnt a lesson being: Winning is not everything, and failure precedes success. Perhaps, if we train more often the next round, we may even clinch the next championship? :D
- CPL (NPCC) Ng Ray Seen