Our Motto

精诚团结, Strength in Unity

Air Pistol Course and Classification Shoot 2015

On the 5th of March 2015, the Sec 2s and Sec 3s attended an Air Pistol Shooting Course. The following is a reflection from one of the cadets.

It was very enriching and enjoyable, and we gained further knowledge on how the revolver works, and how we could accurately shoot at the target when it came to our actual classification shoot. We shot a wide range of things from targets to coca cola cans, and we were given advice by the instructors on how we could shoot more accurately when it came to our Classification shoot, and I believe that both squads benefitted from this experience.

Before the course, I was not very strong at shooting, but after the course and listening to the advice of the patient instructors, I had gained a better understanding of the revolver and how I could shoot more accurately, and my shooting accuracy had evidently improved by the end of the course. 

On 10th of March 2015, the Sec 3 squad attended our Classification shoot. This determined whether or not we could become marksmen and if we could earn our Marksmanship badge. We were all nervous and anxious despite already undergoing the Air Pistol Course a few days ago, because the air pistol was lighter and easier to shoot with compared to the revolver, so the .22 revolver might cause our shooting to become worse than it was during the course. Despite that, we still applied whatever was taught at our dry shoot and the shooting course, and at the end of it all, our squad managed to have 8 marksmen, and it was really a big accomplishment for us.

The Classification shoot was a very enjoyable experience overall, although there were times that I struggled with pulling the trigger because I had not enough strength to, but I am happy that at the end I could become a Marksman and be awarded with a Marksmanship badge.

Lastly, me and my squad would like to extend our special thanks to Mr Cheah for planning the course for us and for your constant support during that point in time. 

- CPL (NPCC) Brittany Chee