Our Motto

精诚团结, Strength in Unity

Crime Scene Investigation Course 2011

On the 20th of July, 6 cadets from the Secondary 3 squad went for the CSI (Crime Scene Investigation) course, which was held in Home Team Academy. The following is a reflection from one of the participants.

We were the first school to reach, and therefore was allowed to explore the HTA Training Village in the vicinity of the CSI room.

After all the schools had arrived, we proceeded to the CSI room. We saw mannequins and real furniture which depicted real life situations that the Investigation Officers will face. We saw cases such as homicide, car crash , residential fire and office fire. We were also being taught of the steps taken by the police and IOs upon arrival of the scene. Through this course, we learnt not to jump into conclusion and judge a book by its cover as things may not be as it seems.

Next, we headed another exhibit that talks about terrorism. We learned about the threats that may disturb the peace in our country and invoke fear in people's heart. Such threats are biological agent, explosives and chemical agents. There were even real life examples of such threats and photos. After that, we saw another exhibit where we were able to smell the chemicals used. Finally, this concluded our 1hour 30 mins CSI Course.

In the nutshell, we enjoyed our time there and learnt alot about CSI and terrorism. It was indeed a great pity that only 6 people were allowed to go for this course. I hope the subsequent batches will able to go for this course next time.

- CPL (NPCC) Hui Juan