Our Motto

精诚团结, Strength in Unity

NUS NPCC .177 Air Rifle Shooting Championship 2010

On the 6th of February 2010, some of our secondary 3 and 4 cadets went to HomeTeamNS@BukitGombak for the NUS-NPCC .177 Air Rifle Shooting Competition. The following is a reflection done by one of our cadets.

Before the competition, there were many practices held in our school's air rifle range. The start of the practice was disappointing as we weren't used to the air rifles and our shots weren't exactly ideal. With more practice, our shots were better and our confidence grew. However, on the day of the competition, even though we had our practice sessions, we still felt very nervous and it was like we had butterflies in our stomachs! (We didn't practice competition style.)

Detail after detail, it was finally our turn! We did our best to stop shaking (because we were so nervous!), started with our sighting shots, an average of about 10 sighting shots and we started on our competition shots after we felt it was time to start. Shot after shot, some were good and some weren't that good. We put in our utmost effort but we still lacked in the number of points in the team category and also in the individual category. In the end, we left with no trophies but we clinched the 4th, 5th and 6th positions in the team category. However, even though we didn't win anything, we learnt a lot from this competition. We learnt how to shoot more accurately, how to use the air rifle more familiarly, team work and how to do your best even with pressure.
It was a fun experience and we would definitely participate in it again.
All in all, it was good fun and great experience earned.

- SGT (NPCC) Valerie Lim