Overseas Educational Visit to Hong Kong Macau 2008

Here is the experience as told by one of our lucky cadets who had the privilege to participate in this activity.
This is the first overseas trip experience with NPCC for me, and it was indeed a memorable trip for me too. Although it only lasted for 7 days and 6 nights but even till now, the trip still brings many good memories back. I believe it was a fun and fulfilling trip for all of us, as I have truly learnt a lot more about the police establishment of other countries and also made lots of good friends from all around Singapore.

On the forth day, it was the first day we wore full-u throughout the whole trip. The girls wore skirts, thus it was the first time we wore the full uniform with stockings. We went to visit the New Police Headquarters, where we went for formal exchange program with the JPCs, they were also in their full-uniform too.
The Hong Kong JPCs were nice , they even gave us a bag filled with keychains and articles where we can read more about them. Through the presentation, we learnt more about JPC, about the different ranks and activities and they got to know more about Singapore Police Force too. Next we went to a nearby police station, where the officers brought us in to take a look at how their normal police station works. We also got to see the room where the suspects are detained before going to court. After the visit, we got to shop at the souvenir shop at the Police Headquarters. It is really big and we got to shop for cute keychains attached to small police figurines. After that we also got to visit a JPC establishment and we interacted with the kids there. We also showcased our drill to our beloved JPCs members, and I really felt proud doing the drills in my full-uniform in Hong Kong. Later in the evening, we got up an open-decked bus to experience the cool breeze and beautiful scenery. Then we reached Ladies Street where we got to shop for an hour plus with our group members. The people there were really fierce and unreasonable, they started forcing us to buy their products. Most of us were shocked, thus in the end we did not buy much things. Of course, it was also my first time shopping alone with friends on an open street, thus I will never forget that experience.
On the fifth day, it was our Disney Land Day. The most enjoyable day ever! Firstly we were split into 2 groups where the tour guide brought us around and told us more about disney animation to us. We also learnt about the history of animation, for example who drew the first animation and which 5 second long animation was first introduced. Then we even got to try out drawing Mickey Mouse, sadly some of our Mickey Mouse(s) ended up as Jerry the mouse. Next we went to the theatre to watch the short 3D animation produced by a local Hong Kong producer. It was really entertaining and fascinating. The 3D effects were really wonderful. We also learnt how much hard work is put in behind one short animation, thus after this tour I learnt to appreciate all the animations I see. After the trip with the tour guide, we were allowed to go around with our own group. We went to play the one and only roller coaster for a few times, and also took pictures while touring around the place. The finale was still the fireworks, they were beautiful. Using the special cellophane paper glasses given, the fireworks were made more beautiful!

On the seventh day, the last day, we got to decide if we want to sleep more or eat more, we just have to assemble at 9.30 am. It is really sad to remember that it was the last day with all of our new found friends. Sometimes, I hope that there will be flight delay, or a ferry delay. Though all of us were sad, we still greeted each other with a smile. After assembling, we went to catch the morning ferry back to Hong Kong. We were rather early, thus we had to stay for a few hours in the airport. We checked in our luggage and we started moving into the airport for lunch. It was the first time I got to eat fast food thoughout the whole Hong Kong Trip, thus eating the food I miss Singapore a little. Though I still hoped the flight will delay.. as long as possible. But to my disappointment, everything was so smooth, we board the plane at 3 plus. On the plane, we talked to our friends and exchanged contact numbers. The flight seemed so short, we reached Singapore at 8 pm. It was really late so we had a very brief debrief and took a few last pictures before we waved goodbye to each other.
Though when the trip ended no one shed tears but I am very sure all of us will miss this trip. However despite the fact that this trip has ended, I believe the friendship between us will never end. All in all, this trip was still a fun and enriching trip which allowed me to learn a lot more about friendship, leadership, teamwork and of course gain deeper insight about how the Police Force in Hong Kong operates. I really enjoyed and appreciated this trip and I really hope I can take part in similar activities. Lastly, I would say I would really miss the trip!
- SGT (NPCC) Eunice Tan Wen Juan