Inter-Unit Challenge 2008
Gradually, our new and young CCA flourished into a well organized and united full unit. In this month of April, we conducted our first Inter-Unit Challenge.
"Journey to the East" was quite similar to Monopoly, with the exception of buying land or property. There were 12 stations altogether, each with different kinds of exciting games to participate in, with the exception of Station 8, serving as the ‘CHANCE’ station. Teams are required to roll a dice and move to the station they landed on. They had to complete a game conducted by station masters and they were rewarded points upon succeeding the games. Every station had three stages of games, namely stage (a), (b) and (c). The first time a team arrived at a station, they would complete the game stated at stage (a), and subsequently, they would complete the games at stage (b) and (c) during their second and third visits respectively. If they landed on Station 8, they would be asked to do a forfeit before receiving a ‘CHANCE’ card, each card varying from awarding 5 extra points to nothing at all.
In the end, Chai Chee Secondary School came in as champions, followed by Bukit Panjang Government High School as 1st runner-up and Greendale Secondary as 2nd runner-up. The winning teams were given trophies and each school was presented with a certificate of participation.
It was an indeed enjoying experience for everyone, and undoubtedly a success. In addition, AHSNPCC would like to thank all schools that participated and hence made this event a successful one.
- CPL (NPCC) Yohana Cahyana, edited by SSGT (NPCC) Ng Ray Seen